Look Heavenward.
"God directs."
"These are the differences between mind and heart
as I now see them:
"The mind is informed; the heart is inspired.
The mind feeds on facts; the heart feeds on truth.
The mind asks, 'Why?' The heart wonders, 'Why not?'
The mind is molded through questioning; the heart asks its own questions.
The mind is verbose; the heart relishes brevity.
The mind seeks temporal and temporary pleasure; the heart seeks spiritual and eternal joy.
The mind clings to reason; the heart clings to faith.
The mind often feels superior because of its vast knowledge; the heart often feels humbled by all it doesn't yet understand.
The mind is critical; the heart is compassionate.
The mind thinks; the heart feels.
The mind seeks to be understood; the heart longs to understand.
​The mind is knowledgeable; the heart is wise."
​​"True education is between a child's soul and God."
Goethe kept his heart 'right' by doing these 4 things everyday:
Listened to some fine music
Looked at a masterpiece of fine art
Recited a poem
Read a piece of fine literature
To put the world right in order
we must first put the nation in order;
To put the nation in order,
we must first put the family in order;
To put the family in order,
we must first cultivate our personal life;
we must first set our hearts right.
5 Things Review
Belle Ame Dream
Where to Go From Here
"Corraggio! You are stronger than you imagine. Strive to live a pure and clean life, and to improve the talents God has given you, and leave the rest to Him. He will not let you fail."
"The history of my life will say to the world what it says to me--There is a loving God, who directs all things for the best.
--Hans Christian Andersen