Take 5
Week One
1: Welcome
Download the app in Google Play or iTunes
Search for "Well Educated Heart"

2: Paint by Number

3: Printer
Our black and white printer, but it also copies, scans and faxes. I'm sure you can fine one for much less. You can also save by not getting wi-fi option.
Look for a heart icon and click it. Scroll down the page and look for PDF download option. Or look for download arrow above the book.
4: Planner
Scroll down to find 'A Planner.'
Includes PDF link to print to try it out as well as a link to the store.
The planners are 8 1/2 x 11.

6: Rotation Schedule

Week Two
7: Why Focus on Art?
Why we focus so much on music, art, poetry, and story

8: Familiar with Fine Music
Link to Rotation Navigation page in website.
Or access through 'Rotation' on the app.
Find music on Enrichment pages.

9: Art for Home and Family

Browse Simple Joy: Art or select "Simple Joy: Fine Art" in app
Search artrenewal.org
How to Print Pictures (bottom of page)
10: Finding Poetry Books
Poetry for the Well-Educated Heart
To access, look in the "Other Books" section on the FC Series page.
Favorite Poems Old and New by Helen Ferris

11: Sunshine Stories
Other Sunshine Stories:
Week Three
16: Poetry Tea Time

18: Thornton Burgess Books
Introductory Burgess Books:
Burgess Bedtime Stories:​
Field Guides​
Week Four
19: Using the Booklists
22: Mother Goose
Week Five
26: Finding the Melody
27: Crafts and Memories
Main Navigation Page--click a topic and find the Enrichment Button for the sub-topic you want.

28: Personal Poetry Anthology

29: My Book House/Jr. Classic

Note: My Junior Classics set has a deluxe binding, but the insides are the same as the more common binding.
Week Six
31: Knowing vs. Being

32: Hazel Kinscella
Hazel Kinscella Music Appreciation Stories at BelMonde (Scandinavia)

33: Art Tableau

34: Poetry Memorization

Week Seven
38: Composer Childhood
Music Appreciation Page: Child's Own Book of Great Musicians by Thomas Tapper
solfasofa.com: Printed versions of the books to purchase as well as singing lessons for children
39: Artist Childhood Stories
Stories of Great Artists by Olive Browne Horne and Kathrine Lois Scobey
40: Poetry for Young People
Poetry Page: Poetry for Young People Series (lovely illustrated books)

42: Using FC Nature Series

Week Eight
45: Imaginative Gem Pages

Week Nine
52: Shakespeare
53: Mythology
Week Ten
55: Knitting

56: Mini-Concerts
57: Art Memory Game
58: Bible